Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Air Sahara loses altitude in domestic, int’l markets

Mumbai: The market share of the Lucknow-based Air Sahara is falling steadily on its domestic as well as international routes, even as it waits for its takeover by Jet Airways to be completed. Air Sahara has lost a lot of goodwill over the period as little is being done to reassure nervous employees and passengers, says an airline source.
Not surprisingly, passengers are moving to rival carriers. Though DGCA (directorate general of civil aviation) market share figures for January-March period are not yet available, sources say Air Sahara’s share of the domestic pie is slipping and has gone down to 8-9% from 13% at the end of ’05.
The airline has already ceded the third position (after Jet and Indian) to low-cost carrier Air Deccan. Sources say one overriding reason for the fall in Air Sahara sales is that travel agents have stopped pushing the airline’s tickets.
12/04/06 Economic Times
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