Sunday, April 16, 2006

Maharaja in fresh spot over safety

New Delhi: Getting caught in the eye of a storm is never easy. Especially for the Maharaja whose flight safety norms are causing concern.
The issue has become serious enough for the International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations (IFALPA), a reputed body representing over one lakh professional pilots in over 90 countries and based in England, to write to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi on April 10 over this issue.
Its president, Capt Dennis J Dolan, wrote that the Federation was deeply concerned about the current situation in AI.
What is causing concern, he says, are numerous practices of AI - ignoring minimum requirements for instructors, violating flight and duty time limitations and management pilots failing to report altitude violations. Other 'irregularities' are with regard to promotions as well as recalling of pilots from leave to operate flights.
These faulty areas, Dolan says, have resulted in the airline failing to retain its IATA safety certificate, a letter of no-confidence in the Director of Operations from Board members and a case of intimidation being brought against certain individuals by a Boeing instructor.
16/04/06 Shobha John/Times of India
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