Monday, May 08, 2006

US Airlines going flat-out to provide best seats

With non-stop flights from Chicago to China, India and the Middle East becoming more common, airlines are spending millions of dollars to make sure their profit-generating business-class fliers arrive rested and ready to work after flights as long as 14 hours. The biggest investments: seats that recline for sleeping.
Once a first-class luxury, the lie-flat seat, as it is called, has migrated into the business-class cabins of most major domestic carriers in the last five years.
The few carriers that don't have them are getting them. American Airlines recently announced plans to redesign its business-class cabin with lie-flat seats on international flights, and United Airlines, which officially is keeping its $165 million seat-improvement plan a secret, is expected to follow suit. Airlines that have pioneered such seating are looking at upgrades to stay ahead of the pack.
08/05/06 Ameet Sachdev/Chicago Tribune, United States
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