Thursday, July 06, 2006

Air Sahara to re-start Delhi-London fights

New Delhi: Air Sahara on Wednesday said it would re-start its Delhi-London fights from July end and explore possibilities to mount flights to more international destinations.
"From the third week of July we will be re-starting our Delhi-London flights. We will fly four times a week," Air Sahara president Alok Sharma told reporters here. The airline would utilise the leased wide-bodied A-340 aircraft, which had been returned by Jet Airways after a takeover deal between the two private carriers collapsed, for its Delhi-London service.
Mr. Sharma said the airline would pull out all the stops in order to regain the lost share during the six months period that Air Sahara was under the control of Jet Airways. He said the airline was exploring more international destinations and Thailand was the next place where it intended to fly.
06/07/06 The Hindu
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