Thursday, August 24, 2006

FIA regrets the misunderstanding related to Amisha Patel

FIA regrets the misunderstanding related to the Grand Marshall Amisha Patel, the renowned film star prior to her departure from Mumbai to attend the 26 th Annual India Day Parade in New York City.
FIA believes that the misunderstanding arose when FIA booked 2 First Class seats for Amisha Patel and her companion for Mumbai-Newark, NJ flight departing at apprx. 7:00 AM for which Amisha Patel arrived in time at the Mumbai Airport. It has been wrongly reported that she was not booked for First Class travel.
However, FIA had also waitlisted her for the JFK flight and apparently the booking got automatically transferred from one flight to another creating a misunderstanding and confusion.
23/08/06 FIA: Press Release/IndiaGlitz
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