Friday, September 08, 2006

For non-metro, Sahara plans to fly all-economy

New Delhi: Air Sahara has decided to convert around five of its existing jets into an all-economy fleet to be deployed on non-metro routes.
Despite following a predominantly low-cost model of a single configuration aircraft, Air Sahara intends to retain the on-board frills of flying.
The all-economy fleet, Sharma said, would be deployed at some non-metro to non-metro routes where demand for a business class product is either neglible or does not even exist. The routes include some non-metro sectors connecting metro cities like Kolkata.
This, he said, is the latest in a series of initiatives planned to take on increased competition in the market and claw back its share of the domestic market pie.
08/09/06 Byas Anand/Times of India
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