Saturday, September 09, 2006

Kingfisher, Jet, Air Deccan allowed to import 16 aircraft

The Government has given permission to Kingfisher Airlines, Jet Airways and Air Deccan to import 16 aircraft between them. Official sources indicated that the Aircraft Acquisition Committee (AAC) of the Ministry of Civil Aviation at its last meeting allowed Kingfisher Airlines to import two Airbus A-321, two Airbus A-320 and four ATR-72 aircraft.
In addition, the proposal of Jet Airways to import two Boeing 737-800 aircraft and of Deccan Aviation, the parent company of Air Deccan, to import three Airbus and three ATR aircraft was also cleared.
Sources indicated that the two Boeing aircraft, for which permission has been given to Jet Airways, would be part of the 10-aircraft that the airline has committed to purchase.
The aircraft that Air Deccan has been given permission to import would arrive in the next two months.
09/09/06 Business Line/
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