Friday, December 22, 2006

Jet Airways deploys Roving Agents for prompt check ins

Mumbai: Close on the heels of Kingfisher Airlines introducing roving check in agents to expedite the process of issuance of boarding passes, Jet Airways has adopted a similar procedure to provide instant check ins for its passengers.
Jet Airways since Wednesday has deployed Roving Agents at the Mumbai airport to enable passengers with hand baggage to directly get a boarding pass without approaching the check in counter. At every given point of time two raving agents will be found moving around in the check in area approaching passengers to make use of the new facility.
Roving agent is just like a mobile check in counter as he is equipped with a handheld interface device and a hip mounted printer. After checking the PNR from the e-ticket sleep or the coupon ticket, he can instantly verify the travel reservation details of the passengers and complete the check in formalities and generate a boarding pass instantly in less than one minute.
This facility will be expanded to other metro airports in a phased manner and will be introduced in Delhi on December 28.
21/12/06 Lalatendu Mishra/Hindustan Times
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