Monday, February 26, 2007

Bains still waiting for apology from PM

Toronto: Toronto Liberal MP Navdeep Bains says he'll keep calling for an apology from the prime minister as he waits for the speaker of the House of Commons to rule on a point of privilege.
Stephen Harper was drowned out by catcalls in the Commons last week when he appeared to suggest that Liberal opposition to extending two sections of the Anti-terrorism Act is aimed at protecting Bains's father-in-law from appearing as a potential witness at an RCMP investigative hearing into the 1985 Air India bombing.
Bains said in a television interview on Sunday that he was shocked and dismayed by Harper's comments. He's still waiting for the next move from Harper, who has so far dismissed demands that he apologize.
"I've received a tremendous amount of support from Canadians across the country that have written to me (and) have called me," Bains said.
Opposition Liberals assailed the prime minister's refusal to retract, blasting his initial reference to Bains and the Air India inquiry as the worst of mean-spirited, petty politics.
25/02/06 CP/, Canada
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