Thursday, February 08, 2007

Kingfisher Setting Up A320 MRO Joint Venture

India's Kingfisher, which has 60 Airbus A320s in service or on order, is moving to form a joint venture to support that fleet, as well as A320s operated by other Indian carriers.
"We are going to go forward," says operations senior vice president Hitesh Patel. "Our goal right now is to have an MRO facility up and running by the fourth quarter 2008."
"It's going to be a three-way program," Patel says, envisioning a joint venture involving Kingfisher, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd., and, as of the eve of Aero India, either the Abu Dhabi-based Gulf Aircraft Maintenance Company or Lufthansa Technik.
It will be in Bangalore, Patel told Show News, in order to take advantage of HAL's technical capabilities and in some cases existing shops.
"Everything's there," he says.
GAMCO, for its part, recently completed C checks on two A320s operated by Air Deccan, a prospective client for the new Bangalore facility.
07/02/07 Aviation Week, US
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